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Route 40 Argentina
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Ruta 40 Argentina
Topic: Route 40


The mystical route 40 borders the Andes Mountains from the Puna to the southern Glaciers. Atop the beauty and magical nature surrounding this highway all along, the trace has a deep cultural and historical significance.
Traveling around Highway 40 is an outstanding trip alternative. Needn't to take all the luxury and comfort of a sophisticated vacation, nor to let aside the adventure and outstanding sights in order to be chilling. Route 40 runs through majestic landscapes, rich in sights and culture that are a treat to our senses side by side the Andes Mountains from the nothernmost beautiful Jujuy to the southern and magical Megallen Straight. But that's not all, for it's not just about the landscape, but also about the amazing activities that can be done throughout it's broad extension, from hiking to skiing, from wine tasting to a superb gourmet experience, route 40 blends pleasure and glamour for the eyes and the palate. A must in a lifetime experience!

Posted by route40argentina at 11:16 AM EDT
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Update for Bob Frassinetti
Topic: Bob Frassinetti

For Buenos Aires and All Argentina, on Arts, Antiques, Collectibles and Disign as well as Events on Arts & Culture Influence and Research by Bob Frassinetti.

Travel and Living with Arts Antiques + Water, Land, Real Estate + Cultural Influence in Argentina and other South America Countries by Imigration and Investement in todays Modern World. 




cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into Wine and Vodka
Topic: Villa de Tulumba

cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into Wine and Vodka


Bob Frassinetti, Enterpreneur in the World of art, art collecting and international antiques dealer as well as free lance journalist from Argentina, Buenos Aires, working on the web, writing both for pleasure and work on art, antiques and collectibles, in and on Buenos Aires, Argentina as well are neighboring countries, Chile and Uruguay. "I've written for several Travel Adventure, Art & Antiques Magazines on and off the web and have researched Toys made here in Argentina, as well as Travel Adventure from Route 40 and Lighthouse Adventures along the Atlantic and Pacific coast, following like always the Dakar Rally from 2009, 2010,2011, and again 2012! Join me now as we are “Building a Gallery Museum in the Province of Cordoba” Real Estate Investment in Art Bricks and Land, we are and have purchased Land for cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into wine and Vodka, we are Building a Gallery Museum to Exhibit local Art and Artist as well as our exclusivity Art and Toy Museum Collection ........ Travelling for Art and Antiques" in all South America and I have been on line since 1996 .


Exporting Art and Antiques World Wide
Living with art and antiques and travelling the south of South Amercia. Argentina, Chile and Uruguay
San Telmo, Buenos Aires Argentina 










Bouchard 1170
La LucilaBuenos Aires B1637AZJ

ph: 005491169651955
fax: 00541147990567
alt: 005491144753983




Bouchard 1170
La LucilaBuenos AiresB1637AZJ

ph: 005491169651955
fax: 00541147990567
alt: 005491144753983

Posted by route40argentina at 9:39 AM EDT
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Old German Cars Tractors Steam Engines and Steam
Old German Cars Tractors Steam Engines and Steam
Ja, wir verkaufen deutsche Sammlerstücke, Kunst und Antiquitäten und .... Selling World Wide alle Arten von Artikeln aus Kunst zu Antique in Deutschland hergestellt, entweder Motoren, Autos, oder jede Art von Traktor Kunstwerk, Manuskripte und sogar Fotos. Germ Kultur, aus der deutschen Familien, die nach Südamerika verlegt und besondere im Süden von Südamerika, Länder wie Argentinien, Chile und Paraguay. Das reiche kulturelle Erbe deutschen in einigen Fällen verloren und nun gefunden. Schon mal was von all jene gedacht ........ VW, Mercedes Benz, Lanz Bulldog Traktoren, und die Liste geht weiter und weiter, .. Alle Top-Namen der hergestellten Teilen aus Deutschland, sind es in diesem Teil der Welt. Bitte zögern Sie nicht, mich mit Ihrer Wunschliste Kontakt, keine Nummer zu klein oder zu groß für uns zu finden und zu Schiff zurück zu Museen und privaten Sammlungen in Deutschland. Bob Frassinetti, Kunstsammler und Design Antiquitätenhändler arbeitet dieser Teil der Welt Bob Frassinetti, Kunstsammler und Design Antiquitätenhändler, Kurator und Entwickler sowie freier Journalist aus Argentinien, Buenos Aires, Arbeitsbedingungen zu finden, schreiben beide für Genuss und die Arbeit an Kunst, Antiquitäten und Sammlerstücke, auf und in Buenos Aires, Argentinien als auch in den Nachbarländern, Chile und Uruguay. "Ich habe für mehrere Reisen Abenteuer, Art & Antiques Magazine auf und abseits der Web geschrieben und geforscht haben Spielzeuge hier in Argentinien, sowie Travel Adventure von Route 40 und Leuchtturm Adventures entlang der atlantischen und pazifischen Küste, Rallye Dakar 2009, 2010, 2012 und für ein 4. Mal, 2012, Kuratorin und Investor in Bricks & Art "Aufbau einer Galerie Museum in der Provinz Cordoba" eine einzigartige und exklusive Real Estate Investment hier in Argentinien. Reisen für Kunst und Antiquitäten "und ich habe Online seit 1996 Wohnen mit Kunst und Antiquitäten und Reisen im Süden von Südamerika. Argentinien, Chile, Paraguay und Uruguay Buenos Aires 2011 Argentinien


Posted by bob frassin

Posted by route40argentina at 10:27 AM EST
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Roue 40 Argentina Map
Topic: Maps Route 40
route 40 map
General Map of Route 40, Ruta 40, Argentina. If you would like to take part in any of our tours or in this interesting rally venture or just are looking for information on Route 40 Ruta 40, Argentina, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly through email, phone or chat. Press here: Contact me See "artdealer_ar" profile on Yahoo, I'm online now!:You can chat with me using Yahoo Instant Messenger. Email : Email Bob Frassinetti. Check out Market Place Argentina our Forum for Buying and Selling from Argentina.Visit my community 2012 Bob Frassinetti Copyright Roberto Dario Frassinetti Route 40 Argentina | Promote your Page too
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David Brown 50 D tractor found in Argentina
David Brown 50 D tractor found in Argentina 
If you would like to take part in any of our tours or in this interesting rally venture or just are looking for information on Route 40 Ruta 40, Argentina, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly thru email, phone or chat. Press here: Contact me See "artdealer_ar" profile on Yahoo, I'm online now!:You can chat with me using Yahoo Instant Messenger. Email : Email Bob Frassinetti.

Comments (2) | Add a Comment

Follow Link to Route 40 Argentina Blog by Bob Frassinetti 
Follow Route 40 Argentina Blog | admin@frassinetti.com | November 14, 2012

Email us or follow link to Frassinetti.Biz for Old and Vintage Tractors and Machines from south of South America! 
Bob Frassinetti. Biz | admin@frassinetti.com | November 14, 2012   


Posted by route40argentina at 11:01 AM EST
Monday, 12 November 2012
Topic: Bob Frassinetti


Bouchard 1170 (La Lucila), Buenos AiresB1637AZJ

Historic Site, Art Gallery, General Travel 

011 4794-3984     


Posted by route40argentina at 4:21 PM EST
iArtdealer for iPhones
Topic: Artdealer
iArtdealer for iPhones
Topic: Artdealer
The Buenos Aires Artdealer Net for iPhone
The Buenos Aires Artdealer Net for iPhone The Buenos Aires Art Dealer, back on line, this year 2012, this October for the for its a Spring Edition, we are in Argentina .... Following the success our articles have in world wide forums and webzines, Artdealer, and Bob Frassinetti's newest project goes big. Our specialized team of journalists, researchers and trend hunters will provide all world wide readers new articles each season, every three months. Artdealer online magazine offers our readers insightful articles on what's going on in Buenos Aires and Argentina in terms of antiques, collectibles & art, travel & leisure. A careful and experienced look into BA's hottest spots. We share with you great tips on what to do when in BA, where to go, shop and stay. We aim to recover from oblivion for world wide art fans great forgotten Argentinean artists, as well as to position Argentinean Collectibles where they should be, providing unknown information on production and producers, history of these items and special features, key to the Collector of Antiques and Art Dealer's from all over the world. About Bob Frassinetti: cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into Wine and Vodka Topic: Villa de Tulumba cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into Wine and Vodka Bob Frassinetti, Enterpreneur in the World of art, art collecting and international antiques dealer as well as free lance journalist from Argentina, Buenos Aires, working on the web, writing both for pleasure and work on art, antiques and collectibles, in and on Buenos Aires, Argentina as well are neighboring countries, Chile and Uruguay. "I've written for several Travel Adventure, Art & Antiques Magazines on and off the web and have researched Toys made here in Argentina, as well as Travel Adventure from Route 40 and Lighthouse Adventures along the Atlantic and Pacific coast, following like always the Dakar Rally from 2009, 2010,2011, and again 2012! Join me now as we are “Building a Gallery Museum in the Province of Cordoba” Real Estate Investment in Art Bricks and Land, we are and have purchased Land for cultivating Cactus Pear Fruit, and then processing it into wine and Vodka, we are Building a Gallery Museum to Exhibit local Art and Artist as well as our exclusivity Art and Toy Museum Collection ........ Travelling for Art and Antiques" in all South America and I have been on line since 1996 . Exporting Art and Antiques World Wide Living with art and antiques and travelling the south of South Amercia. Argentina, Chile and Uruguay San Telmo, Buenos Aires Argentina Frassinetti.Biz Bouchard 1170 La Lucila, Buenos Aires B1637AZJ Argentina ph: +5491169651955 fax: +541147990567 alt: +5491144753983 admin@frassinetti.comBob Frassinetti

Create your badge Updated October 2012
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The Buenos Aires Artdealer Net
The Buenos Aires Artdealer Net 
The Buenos Aires Artdealer Net at www.the-ba-artdealer.net

Posted by route40argentina at 4:12 PM EST
Google Maps on Travel
Topic: Maps Route 40
Maps for those traveling Argentina
Topic: Argentina

View Larger Map For Buenos Aires and All Argentina, on Arts, Antiques, Collectibles and Disign as well as Events on Arts & Culture Influence and Research by Bob Frassinetti. Travel and Living with Arts Antiques + Water, Land, Real Estate + Cultural Influence in Argentina and other South America Countries by Imigration and Investement in todays Modern World. Frassinetti.Biz Bouchard 1170 La Lucila, Buenos Aires B1637AZJ Argentina ph: 005491169651955 fax: 00541147990567 alt: 005491144753983 admin@frassinetti.com Bookmark and Share 


Posted by bob frassinetti at 2:33 PM

Posted by route40argentina at 4:09 PM EST
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
The Old Route 40
Topic: Mendoza Starting Point
Story of the Old Route 40
Topic: Route 40 Tour

The Old Route 40, started in Kilometer 0 in the heart ......

.. of Mendoza City. I visited this City several Times, since the beginning of the era of the Digital Camera and Internet on the WWW I was there in the year 2006, hunting old tractors, in this case a David Brown 50D 6 cylinder made in England, ....

View The Old Route 40 Argentina & A trip to the Cottage in the Woods on artdealer's travel map.

Route Ruta 40 Mendoza Argentina

David Brown 50D Tractor, found near the City of Mendoza, Year 2006 Travel Photo Gallery )Bob Frassinetti

Travelling to Mendoza, Argentina in the quest for old and steam tractors along Highway 40, Route 40

 Ruta 40, original starting point North and South, .......


Touring around Mendoza with Bob Frassinetti

One of the things I love the most about my job is the fact that I’m always on the move, always hunting for awesome treasures in and around this beautiful country that is Argentina.

This time I’m in Mendoza, a breathtaking city at the bottom of the Andes Mountains; home of the KM 0 of the marvelous Route 40, my favorite place in the whole wide world.

Such was my good luck this time that I managed to find a cozy small hotel on the roadside of Route 40!

The city of Mendoza was founded early in the Colonial times, in 1561. The Incas had reached the region we know today as Cuyo, and more precisely Mendoza in their late expansion years, just before they were conquered by the Spaniards. Therefore, this region was a greatly civilized area, known for its stupendous ecosystem and its great Pre Columbian constructions as well as its refined culture.

Today, more than 400 years after its foundation, Mendoza is a regional metropolis and a melting pot between the Argentine and the Chilean cultures, for it’s in the borderline between this neighboring countries.

Mendoza withholds Argentina’s finest wine production and it’s a precious tourism spot for travelers from around the globe. The brilliant combination of natural resources, winter sports, all year long natural spa facilities and the imponent Aconcagua Mountain –the highest most peak of the American Continent- makes of Mendoza a dream destination for every single one of us who loves to enjoy life’s pleasures and treats.

The city of Mendoza is also the capital of the equally named province. This is a modern and clean, nature friendly capital, features a broad and rich cultural and artistic life.

A stone throw away from downtown Mendoza the visitor finds the ever-growing and improving fine vineyards, wineries and boutique wine producers. Most of these are open all year long for visitation and wine trying. Even better is to enjoy this wonderful option during the month of March, when it’s still summer warm in the region, in the fabulous Wineries Classic and Sports car Rally.

Among the rainbow of urban and ecology friendly tourism that can be found in Mendoza, there are several interesting sights within the city, such as the gorgeous trolleybus transport system.

This transport system was lately installed in Argentina by the late 1940s, specially located in Buenos Aires, but covering other major cities such as Mendoza and Rosario. However the pass of time and the evolution in the automobile industry made it fade away from the rest of the country except for Mendoza, Rosario and the latter addition of Cordoba city in the Mediterranean region of our country.

The first Trolleys of Mendoza were German, made by the famous Mercedes Benz in 1957 in Buenos Aires. Latter on Japanese origin vehicles came to replace the German ones Nissan / Tokyu Car / Toshiba. Most of which were maintained in such proper way that still running by the end of the millennium.

Among the interesting features of the trolley system in Mendoza is the fact that a big commercial shift took place in the mid 1980s when the province exchanged commercially its fine wines for mechanical goods with the USSR by means of the Uritzky, model ZIU 682 that complemented the Japanese fleet.

Before Ig o anyfurther, check out Events ongoing or upcoming, .....


Events on and along Route 40 Argentina
Saturday September 29, 2012
Events along side and near Route 40
Bouchard 1170
Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires B1637AZJ Get Directions

The 8th Aniverscery of the First Edition of te Magic of Route 40 bu Federico B Kirbus, La novena Aniversario del libro escrito por Federico B Kirbus, Magica Ruta 40. 2003 Ediciones del Eclipse.

After the dissolution of the USSR, and together with the growth and development of Mendoza –implying the need of a broadening of their transport system- new imports were made from Germany and Japan to attend the growing demand.


So Back to the infromation, .... 

This unique ecology friendly means of transport provides Mendoza with an even more appealing aesthetic to the visitor alike the local. While at the same time, the one of a kind scenario created by Mendoza’s unique features, invites locals and foreigners alike to discover this magic land of beauty and good living.

Posted by route40argentina at 10:06 AM EST
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Travel Iruya Event in November,2012
Topic: Iruya

Adventure to Iruya and back, Argentina

Thursday August 2, 2012 - Saturday November 24, 2012from 8:00pm - 11:00pm

Travel Adventure of a Life Time, ..........
Friiday, 2 November 2012 at 02:30 until Wednesday, 24 November 2012 at 05:30
Iruya, Argentina
Travel Adventure Iruya and back, Argentina Travel by Bicycle to Iruya and a bit more, in Salta, Argentina. Iconic Travel Adventure of a Life Time with Bob Frassinetti

Travel Adventure to Iruya and back, Argentina Buy Tickets
Thursday August 2, 2012 - Saturday November 24, 2012 from 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Travel Adventure to Iruya and back, Argentina
Salta s/n
Iruya, Salta Get Directions
Travel Adventure of a Life Time, ..........
Friiday, 2 November 2012 at 02:30 until Wednesday, 24 November 2012 at 05:30
Flying direct from Buenos Aires to the City of Slata, in the Province of Salta, where we are met and our equipment is taken to the starting point, Purmamarca is a town in the Tumbaya Department of the Jujuy Province in Argentina. The name of the town can be interpreted as the combination of Aymara language words . we stay an Good to Excellent Motels or B & B when available, otherwise we ruff it in sleeping bags and Tents or Hostels,.... village to village, here we travel north along Route 9 parts of the Famous Inca Trail also known as the Royal Road to Peru, then Route 13 to Iruya, ........ we will have a back up car, plus helping hands if we need them.

Iruya, Argentina
Travel Adventure Iruya and back, Argentina Travel by Bicycle to Iruya and a bit more, in Salta, Argentina. Iconic Travel Adventure of a Life Time with Bob Frassinetti
Ticket Info:Prices from US $s $1500
Bring your own Bike, and equipment, its far less, ...
Buy Tickets
Website: http://www.frassinetti.com/
or....... http://www.facebook.com/events/279589058720023/

More information soon, .......
Salta s/n
Iruya, Salta 



Travel Adventure Iruya and back, Argentina Travel by Bicycle to Iruya and a bit more, in Salta, Argentina. Iconic Travel Adventure of a Life Time with Bob Frassinetti More information see web site on Face Book. Iruya is a small town of population 4,299 (per the 2001 INDEC census) in northwestern Argentina. It is located in the Salta Province of northwestern Argentina, and is the capital of the Iruya Department. Located in the altiplano region along the Iruya river, Iruya sits nestled against the mountainside at an elevation of 2,780 meters (9,120 feet). It is very remote, located over 300 kilometers (190 miles) from the province capital of Salta, and a 50-km (31-mi) portion of the route to Iruya is unpaved. Nonetheless, the town is popular with tourists for its scenic location and townscape and friendly locals.

Iruya's name is derived from the Quechua language, meaning "brave straw" or "site of the high pastures"[2]. The town may date back to pre-Colombian origins.
Updated February, 2012, Bob Frassinetti, La Lucila, Buenos Aires, Argentina, ....

Posted by route40argentina at 2:27 PM EST
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Events for Buenos Aires and all Argentina
Topic: Events & Calender
Upcoming Events

Posted by route40argentina at 9:39 AM EST

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